README File for JavaScript

SoundSwallower: an even smaller speech recognizer

“Time and change have a voice; eternity is silent. The human ear is always searching for one or the other.”
Leena Krohn, Datura, or a delusion we all see

SoundSwallower is a refactored version of PocketSphinx intended for embedding in web applications. The goal is not to provide a fast implementation of large-vocabulary continuous speech recognition, but rather to provide a small implementation of simple, useful speech technologies.

With that in mind the current version is limited to finite-state grammar recognition.


SoundSwallower can be installed in your NPM project:

# From the Internets
npm install soundswallower

You can also build and install it from source, provided you have Emscripten and CMake installed:

# From top-level soundswallower directory
emcmake cmake -S . -B jsbuild
cmake --build jsbuild
# From your project's directory
cd /path/to/my/project
npm link /path/to/soundswallower/jsbuild

For use in Node.js, no other particular action is required on your part.

Because Webpack is blissfully unaware of all things Emscripten-related, you will need a number of extra incantations in your webpack.config.js if you want to include SoundSwallower in an application that uses it, and there currently seems to be no way around this problem. You will need to add this to the top of your webpack.config.js:

const CopyPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");
const modelDir = require("soundswallower/model");

Then to the plugins section in config or module.exports (depending on how your config is structured):

new CopyPlugin({
    patterns: [
        { from: "node_modules/soundswallower/soundswallower.wasm*",
          to: "[name][ext]"},
        { from: modelDir,
          to: "model"},

Next to the node section, to prevent Webpack from mocking some Node.js global variables that will break WASM loading:

    node: {
            global: false,
            __filename: false,
            __dirname: false,

And finally to the resolve section:

resolve: {
    fallback: {
        crypto: false,
        fs: false,
        path: false,

Look at the SoundSwallower-Demo repository for an example.

Basic Usage

The entire package is contained within a module compiled by Emscripten. The NPM package includes only the compiled code, but you can rebuild it yourself using the full source code from GitHub which also includes C and Python implementations.

It follows the usual conventions of Emscripten, meaning that you must require it as a CommonJS or Node.js module, which returns a function that returns a promise that is fulfilled with the actual module once the WASM code is fully loaded:

const ssjs = await require("soundswallower")();

Once you figure out how to get the module, you can try to initialize the recognizer and recognize some speech.

Great, so let’s initialize the recognizer. This possibly involves some long I/O operations so it’s asynchronous. We follow the construct-then-initialize pattern. You can use Promises too of course.

let decoder = new ssjs.Decoder({
  loglevel: "INFO",
  backtrace: true,
await decoder.initialize();

The optional loglevel and backtrace options will make it a bit more verbose, so you can be sure it’s actually doing something.

The simplest use case is to recognize some text we already know, which is called “force alignment”. In this case you set this text, which must already be preprocessed to be a whitespace-separated string containing only words in the dictionary, using set_align_text:

decoder.set_align_text("go forward ten meters");

It is also possible to parse a grammar in JSGF format, see below for an example.

Okay, let’s wreck a nice beach! Record yourself saying something, preferably the sentence “go forward ten meters”, using SoX, for example. Note that we record at 44.1kHz in 32-bit floating point format as this is the default under JavaScript (due to WebAudio limitations).

sox -c 1 -r 44100 -b 32 -e floating-point -d goforward.raw

Now you can load it and recognize it with:

let audio = await fs.readFile("goforward.raw");
decoder.process_audio(audio, false, true);

The text result can be obtained with get_text() or in a more detailed format with time alignments using get_alignment(). These are not asynchronous methods, as they do not depend on or change the state of the decoder:


For more detail on the alignment format, see the PocketSphinx documentation as it is borrowed from there. For example:

const result = decoder.get_alignment_json({ align_level: 1 });
for (const { w, t, b, d } of result.w) {
  console.log(`word ${t} at ${b} has duration ${d} and probability ${p}`);
  for (const { t, b, d } of w) {
    console.log(`phone ${t} at ${b} has duration ${d}`);

Finally, if your program is long-running and you think you might make multiple recognizers, you ought to delete them, because JavaScript is awful:


Loading models

By default, SoundSwallower will use a not particularly good acoustic model and a reasonable dictionary for US English. A model for French is also available, which you can load by default by setting the defaultModel property in the module object before loading:

const ssjs = {
  defaultModel: "fr-fr",
await require("soundswallower")(ssjs);

The default model is expected to live under the model/ directory relative to the current web page (on the web) or the soundswallower module (in Node.js). You can modify this by setting the modelBase property in the module object when loading, e.g.:

const ssjs = {
  modelBase: "/assets/models/" /* Trailing slash is necessary */,
  defaultModel: "fr-fr",
await require("soundswallower")(ssjs);

This is simply concatenated to the model name, so you should make sure to include the trailing slash, e.g. “model/” and not “model”!

Using grammars

We currently support JSGF for writing grammars. You can parse one from a JavaScript string and set it in the decoder like this (a hypothetical pizza-ordering grammar):

decoder.set_grammar(`#JSGF V1.0;
grammar pizza;
public <order> = [<greeting>] [<want>] [<quantity>] [<size>] [pizza] <toppings>;
<greeting> = hi | hello | yo | howdy;
<want> = i want | gimme | give me | i'd like to order | order | i wanna;
<quantity> = a | one | two | three | four | five;
<size> = small | medium | large | extra large | x large | x l;
<toppings> = [with] <topping> ([and] <topping>)*;
<topping> = olives | mushrooms | tomatoes | (green | hot) peppers | pineapple;

Note that all the words in the grammar must first be defined in the dictionary. You can add custom dictionary words using the add_words method on the Decoder object, as long as you speak ArpaBet (or whatever phoneset the acoustic model uses). IPA and grapheme-to-phoneme support may become possible in the near future.


Voice activity detection / Endpointing

This is a work in progress, but it is also possible to detect the start and end of speech in an input stream using an Endpointer object. This requires you to pass buffers of a specific size, which is understandably difficult since WebAudio also only wants to give you buffers of a specific (and entirely different) size. A better example is forthcoming but it looks a bit like this (copied directly from the documentation:

const ep = new Endpointer({ samprate: decoder.get_config("samprate"} });
let prev_in_speech = ep.get_in_speech();
let frame_size = ep.get_frame_size();
// Presume `frame` is a Float32Array of frame_size or less
let speech;
if (frame.size < frame_size) speech = ep.end_stream(frame);
else speech = ep.process(frame);
if (speech !== null) {
  if (!prev_in_speech)
    console.log("Speech started at " + ep.get_speech_start());
  if (!ep.get_in_speech())
    console.log("Speech ended at " + ep.get_speech_end());